Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Prozac Nation

How did I not know about this movie? Scrolling through Netflix I saw this film and the title caught my eye not to mention is has some great leading ladies including Christina Ricci and Jessica Lange, that's just to name a few. BRAVO to this film it nailed it on the head for me...moved me! The narration in this film is outstanding. Christina Ricci's character Elizabeth suffers from depression and the story takes you on a roller coaster of the grim depths that Elizabeth falls and soars back up to the climax of her happiness. My heart strings were pulled in so many different directions in this film I felt like I actually knew Elizabeth. As someone suffering from depression you never bother to think that anyone else can possibly understand what you are dealing with or where your thoughts lead you. But what an immense joy of clarity that someone actually gets it. I am pleading that if you are trying to understand someone with depression, if you suffer from depression, or if you want to just expand your knowledge sit down and spend an hour and a half with this talented cast and open your mind. I was brought to tears of joy and sadness at the amazing way Ricci breathed life into Elizabeth, Ricci never has gained enough credit she is one bad ass actress. This was a first time viewing for me but it won't be my last.

My Overall Rating:  92/100

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