Sunday, August 4, 2013

Evil Dead

I am not big on scary movies anymore except the classics like Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Children of the corn. But Evil Dead did a great job of scaring the hell out of me. Its a typical 5 young adults go to a cabin and one survives thriller but the concept isn't low grade and played out like most thrillers of our time. This is a genuine scary movie. I jumped, screamed, and checked in the closet before hitting the bed that night. This movie takes a new twist on the dead revisiting and haunting us...its much more brutal. I haven't seen Jane Levy act in anything except for "Fun Size" (I'll get to that terrible review later) before this film and I have to brag on her. She without a doubt made the movie, whether she was having withdrawals, depressed about her life, or being possessed she played out each scene to its fullest. I am eager to see where her acting career will take her. If you like scary flicks check it out. I don't think you'll be too disappointed. I may try and see "The Conjuring" I read up on plenty of reviews that state its the best scary movie since the I sorta feel the need to check it out and if so I'll update asap! Happy movie night!

My Overall Rating:       71/100

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