Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Host

Hmm, where to start? Yes I am a dork and love the twilight films and books but when I tried to read The Host it just did not keep my interest, I should have known the movie wouldn't either. Stephenie Meyer is a brilliant writer but movies never do her books justice, which is what I typically find with all books made into films. It can be such a disappointment to read a book and use your imagination to develop the look and mannerisms of characters and then to have films rip that from you. Maybe it is me getting older or something but I can't connect to these hopeless teen love stories like I use to. Yes there is a handful that I adore but if the story isn't strong enough than I might as well be watching Axe commercials lol, now that's juicy. I love a good sci-fi movie as well but watching Melanie (Saoirse Ronan) run through this film was just over rated to me. If you are a teenager then yes you will probably love this movie, but it wasn't for me. You're either going to love or hate this movie, but take the test if you dare.

My Overall Rating:  46/100

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