Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Evil Dead (1981)

I did things a little backwards with this one, I watched the remake before watching the original. For me it didn't make a big difference because I love 80's horror flicks. The remake did do a great job of carrying the story through but of course there was some twists, but back to this film. I'll be honest I watched it during the daytime and I jumped several times, quite a few suspenseful scenes to me. Yes there is some cheesy parts but what horror film doesn't have its list. This movie is a worthy horror film but you have to stay with it to see the good parts. The zombie/dead that got to me most was Shelly played by Betsey Baker, when she is turned she just sits in the floor, chuckles, and has the voice of a child who sings rhymes...sort of nightmare on elm street shit. LOL. I would completely recommend seeing this before the remake especially if you love 80's films like me. This should have came back into the theater as well...now that would have been entertaining. Pull it up on Netflix its worth a watch.

My Overall Rating:  74/100

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