Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Silver Linings Playbook

" You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest, and if you do, if you stay positive you have a shot at a Silver Lining."

This will be an extremely long review for me. I have never, never connected with a movie so much. I went and saw this film with my mom in the theater (best movie partner, we always see great films together) and we laughed and cried and I kept quite after the movie, still taking it all in. Finally there is a movie that shows the tragic beauty in mental illness. I am never ashamed to say that I suffer from a mental illness, chronic depression and I know this may be intimidating to some but you have to have a strong character to carry through life with this illness. The rant at the dinner table when Pat (Bradley Cooper) and Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence) meet for the first time and start discussing all the medications they have been on, totally relatable for me. Jennifer Lawrence spoke out that she hoped this movie would make mental illness more understandable and for me that's what it has done. Shortly after Pat returns home after being in a psychiatric hospital he begins reading Ernest Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms". After finishing the novel and being disappointed in the ending he literally throws it out a glass window and says "Stupid Fucking Book!" To explain his actions he tells his parents " the world is hard enough as it is guys, its fucking hard enough, can't somebody say hey lets be positive. Lets have a good ending to the story." He refuses to apologize for his actions due to it being Hemingway's fault. Can anyone understand that depression is never being able to see past the present. I love these characters for this, they are so raw. I have felt every emotion that they act out, but even if you haven't its still a gripping movie. No wonder Jennifer Lawrence won a Oscar for her performance in this film she is so vocal and real and maybe she is rude but oh to have the confidence to say however you feel no matter what, I'd give anything to be that real. But equally so Bradley Cooper is Epic in this film, he's so clueless that he can never see reality or what is right in front of him. I have a new respect for both Cooper and Lawrence due to this film because it is hard to act out the complicated disorderly characters in this film. The dance scene that Pat and Tiffany work so hard on throughout the film and strive to win a trophy for, its sincere and hilarious but to them it means more than just a trophy. Besides Dirty Dancing, yes Dirty Dancing folks...this is my favorite movie of all time. There isn't a change I would make and I could never do this movie justice in a review but I tried. Please watch this movie and dive in open minded.

My Overall Rating: This may be my one and only but  100/100

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