Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sex and the City (The Movie)

Who wouldn't want to have Samantha, Charlotte, Miranda, and Carrie as their best friends? I know I would, even though mine are just as great. These women have been in my life for years and I love each and every one of them for their unique qualities. This movie makes my heart ache, makes me laugh, makes me cry, and makes me believe in ever lasting love...no matter what the circumstances. This movie has never received great reviews and I can't understand why. Sure if you aren't a Sex and the city fan then you just won't get it, but if you are its impeccable. No one in the world could play Carrie Bradshaw like Sarah Jessica Parker. My heart literally breaks when she can't leave her bed due to her sadness of Big (Chris Noth) leaving her minutes before their wedding. If you haven't been left breathless by heartache than I admire you, nothing can prepare you for it, nothing can guide you through it except for taking each dark day as it comes and holding on for dear life. You could say I am familiar with this feeling. Carrie asks the question "Will I ever laugh again?" because we can never see past the present pain, but she does laugh again. There is so much hope in this movie for me, it displays all sorts of different relationships. I have build a bond through these ladies from the tv show so I took a lot from this film that many wouldn't understand from viewing it and not seeing anything else. So if you aren't a lover of Sex and the City as a series then don't try and watch the movie and definitely don't put judgment on it.

My overall rating: 90/100

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