Saturday, November 9, 2013

Monsters University

EXCELLENT MOVIE! Yes, I am already a Disney addict but I didn't have high hopes for this film. It takes a lot to impress me when movies have prequels or sequels as the story lines typically lose their appeal. But not Monsters University! The characters are just as lovable as the first film and the new characters introduced such as Art the furry purple arch shaped hippie character are equally adorable. The quality of work produced in these films never ceases to amaze me as they steadily look more life like each and every time. Pixar always manages to produce wonderful heartfelt story lines and Monsters U inspires us to always achieve our dreams, having strong friendships, and the power of determination. If I were a parent these are the types of films I would feel proud for my children to view as I know they would be learning great qualities while being amused by brilliant characters. If you haven't seen this film it is a must see!

My Overall Rating: 91/100

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