Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Prozac Nation

How did I not know about this movie? Scrolling through Netflix I saw this film and the title caught my eye not to mention is has some great leading ladies including Christina Ricci and Jessica Lange, that's just to name a few. BRAVO to this film it nailed it on the head for me...moved me! The narration in this film is outstanding. Christina Ricci's character Elizabeth suffers from depression and the story takes you on a roller coaster of the grim depths that Elizabeth falls and soars back up to the climax of her happiness. My heart strings were pulled in so many different directions in this film I felt like I actually knew Elizabeth. As someone suffering from depression you never bother to think that anyone else can possibly understand what you are dealing with or where your thoughts lead you. But what an immense joy of clarity that someone actually gets it. I am pleading that if you are trying to understand someone with depression, if you suffer from depression, or if you want to just expand your knowledge sit down and spend an hour and a half with this talented cast and open your mind. I was brought to tears of joy and sadness at the amazing way Ricci breathed life into Elizabeth, Ricci never has gained enough credit she is one bad ass actress. This was a first time viewing for me but it won't be my last.

My Overall Rating:  92/100

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Jack Reacher

Tom Cruise still has it ladies and gentlemen, that romantic badass swag... he still has it! When I saw the trailer for Jack Reacher I didn't feel excited to see the film and I really didn't think anything of it. But after watching the film it was really good, of course not Cruise's finest but a good film. This film is about Jack Reacher (Cruise) trying to help solve the murder of 5 civilians after a former military sniper is accused of the crime. I didn't like the fact that you find out in the beginning who the killer is and wait the whole film for the others to realize it, one of those yelling at the character type films. But Reacher of course figures it out and kicks ass along the way. Let me also focus in on Helen (Rosamund Pike) Jack's semi love interest in this film. I am telling you people if I had to continue to look at her permanent raised eyebrow stunned look the whole time I would have turned it off, yes it annoyed me that much and hope I didn't point this out and ruin it for others. The fights scenes are awesome, there is a descent plot, and Tom Cruise is the leading role...of course it's worth watching.

My Overall rating: 70/100

Silver Linings Playbook

" You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest, and if you do, if you stay positive you have a shot at a Silver Lining."

This will be an extremely long review for me. I have never, never connected with a movie so much. I went and saw this film with my mom in the theater (best movie partner, we always see great films together) and we laughed and cried and I kept quite after the movie, still taking it all in. Finally there is a movie that shows the tragic beauty in mental illness. I am never ashamed to say that I suffer from a mental illness, chronic depression and I know this may be intimidating to some but you have to have a strong character to carry through life with this illness. The rant at the dinner table when Pat (Bradley Cooper) and Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence) meet for the first time and start discussing all the medications they have been on, totally relatable for me. Jennifer Lawrence spoke out that she hoped this movie would make mental illness more understandable and for me that's what it has done. Shortly after Pat returns home after being in a psychiatric hospital he begins reading Ernest Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms". After finishing the novel and being disappointed in the ending he literally throws it out a glass window and says "Stupid Fucking Book!" To explain his actions he tells his parents " the world is hard enough as it is guys, its fucking hard enough, can't somebody say hey lets be positive. Lets have a good ending to the story." He refuses to apologize for his actions due to it being Hemingway's fault. Can anyone understand that depression is never being able to see past the present. I love these characters for this, they are so raw. I have felt every emotion that they act out, but even if you haven't its still a gripping movie. No wonder Jennifer Lawrence won a Oscar for her performance in this film she is so vocal and real and maybe she is rude but oh to have the confidence to say however you feel no matter what, I'd give anything to be that real. But equally so Bradley Cooper is Epic in this film, he's so clueless that he can never see reality or what is right in front of him. I have a new respect for both Cooper and Lawrence due to this film because it is hard to act out the complicated disorderly characters in this film. The dance scene that Pat and Tiffany work so hard on throughout the film and strive to win a trophy for, its sincere and hilarious but to them it means more than just a trophy. Besides Dirty Dancing, yes Dirty Dancing folks...this is my favorite movie of all time. There isn't a change I would make and I could never do this movie justice in a review but I tried. Please watch this movie and dive in open minded.

My Overall Rating: This may be my one and only but  100/100

The Impossible

Every movie moves everyone differently but this film should be sure to move all. After moving into my first solo apartment I snuggled into bed with my mom (hold on, she helped me move lol) and we watched this movie on my laptop. It didn't take a movie screen, Blu-ray, or huge LCD screen to display the incredible scenes in this film...it did that all on its own. This film is based in Thailand during and after the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. News coverage and articles can't evoke enough how terrible this event was but I feel that The Impossible does a great job of putting us there through film. Watching families being torn apart some to never find each other again and some through the great journey finding each other is remarkable. Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor are remarkable in this film but young actor Tom Holland was beyond words. The strength he demonstrates as he takes care of his mother and tries to locate his family, I've never seen a more outstanding role for a child as this. I was literally moved by this film and surely I won't be the only one. RENT THIS, RENT THIS, RENT THIS!!!! I'd like to hear from others that have seen this film. Post below.

My overall rating: 89/100

Sex and the City (The Movie)

Who wouldn't want to have Samantha, Charlotte, Miranda, and Carrie as their best friends? I know I would, even though mine are just as great. These women have been in my life for years and I love each and every one of them for their unique qualities. This movie makes my heart ache, makes me laugh, makes me cry, and makes me believe in ever lasting love...no matter what the circumstances. This movie has never received great reviews and I can't understand why. Sure if you aren't a Sex and the city fan then you just won't get it, but if you are its impeccable. No one in the world could play Carrie Bradshaw like Sarah Jessica Parker. My heart literally breaks when she can't leave her bed due to her sadness of Big (Chris Noth) leaving her minutes before their wedding. If you haven't been left breathless by heartache than I admire you, nothing can prepare you for it, nothing can guide you through it except for taking each dark day as it comes and holding on for dear life. You could say I am familiar with this feeling. Carrie asks the question "Will I ever laugh again?" because we can never see past the present pain, but she does laugh again. There is so much hope in this movie for me, it displays all sorts of different relationships. I have build a bond through these ladies from the tv show so I took a lot from this film that many wouldn't understand from viewing it and not seeing anything else. So if you aren't a lover of Sex and the City as a series then don't try and watch the movie and definitely don't put judgment on it.

My overall rating: 90/100

The Host

Hmm, where to start? Yes I am a dork and love the twilight films and books but when I tried to read The Host it just did not keep my interest, I should have known the movie wouldn't either. Stephenie Meyer is a brilliant writer but movies never do her books justice, which is what I typically find with all books made into films. It can be such a disappointment to read a book and use your imagination to develop the look and mannerisms of characters and then to have films rip that from you. Maybe it is me getting older or something but I can't connect to these hopeless teen love stories like I use to. Yes there is a handful that I adore but if the story isn't strong enough than I might as well be watching Axe commercials lol, now that's juicy. I love a good sci-fi movie as well but watching Melanie (Saoirse Ronan) run through this film was just over rated to me. If you are a teenager then yes you will probably love this movie, but it wasn't for me. You're either going to love or hate this movie, but take the test if you dare.

My Overall Rating:  46/100

The Evil Dead (1981)

I did things a little backwards with this one, I watched the remake before watching the original. For me it didn't make a big difference because I love 80's horror flicks. The remake did do a great job of carrying the story through but of course there was some twists, but back to this film. I'll be honest I watched it during the daytime and I jumped several times, quite a few suspenseful scenes to me. Yes there is some cheesy parts but what horror film doesn't have its list. This movie is a worthy horror film but you have to stay with it to see the good parts. The zombie/dead that got to me most was Shelly played by Betsey Baker, when she is turned she just sits in the floor, chuckles, and has the voice of a child who sings rhymes...sort of nightmare on elm street shit. LOL. I would completely recommend seeing this before the remake especially if you love 80's films like me. This should have came back into the theater as well...now that would have been entertaining. Pull it up on Netflix its worth a watch.

My Overall Rating:  74/100

La Bamba

Well I said I would review the new and the old and for me this one is a classic. I love a good music filled movie especially about rock and roll legends. I have been watching this movie since before I can remember and it has always always been one of my favorites. Lou Diamond Phillips is incredible as Richie Valens. He is dead on with his performances and portraying the vulnerability of a teenager. Esai Morales is quite amazing too as he plays Bob, Richie's half brother. I have a real love and hate relationship with Esai in this film. God his character is hateful but the love he has for his brother is undeniable. Also Rosanna Desoto me oh my she is the definition of a strong mother in this film. I felt every emotion that Rosanna delivered as Connie Valenzuela, Riche's mother. I ball and whine like a child when Connie learns Richie has died while she is listening to the radio and hanging laundry in her backyard. Can you imagine learning that your loved one had passed away over the radio? I crumble when she screams out in Bob's arm "Not my Richie, not my Richie". There is nothing harder than heartache and lose and this movie portrays both.The music in this movie makes it for me, you will always find me snapping or dancing when I watch this film and signing along of course. I mean who doesn't love "La Bamba"? This is a powerful movie! Yes Richie died tragically in a plane crash at the age of seventeen but he lived his dreams, not many of us can ever be able to say that. This is a story of making it from the bottom to the top, family struggles, talent, lose, and ROCK AND ROLL. What more can you ask for? Please give this movie a shot it doesn't get the credit it deserves in the slightest.

My Overall Rating: Yes I am bias on this one 91/100

Wreck-It Ralph

I swear to you that Pixar films are just as moving as any adult film I watch these days. Toy Story 3, Wall-E, Brave, and UP all brought me to tears. These movies draw you in with their unique story line and adorable characters and the message of the stories leaves everyone connected. Who hasn't felt out of place? Had to survive on their own? And lost a loved one? These films teach us to see the light through it all. A message that we all need. Wreck-it Ralph is another great addition.  Its awesome to take a ride through classic video games, meet all the characters, and the storyline of trying to fit in and being accepted is just touching. If I had a child I would watch this with them over and over again. John C. Reilly does an incredible job of portraying Ralph and my favorite character Vanellope Von-Schweetz voiced by Sarah Silverman is just so sweet and sassy, much like my self...Ha! The name alone Vanellope Von-Schweetz made me adore her not to mention that she's from Sugar Rush, a Candy Land inspired racing game. I can't think of anyone that wouldn't fall in love with this movie unless your heart is made of stone...and well I do know some people like that, but needless to say... Big or Small watch this flick!

My overall rating: 90/100

Movie 43

Whatever you do, Whatever you do with your life, DO NOT....I repeat DO NOT waste a second of your life on this film. It is the definition of Terrible. I was so shocked that a movie could be this awful with a leading cast such as Richard Gere, Dennis Quaid (never thought he could go wrong), Emma Stone, Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, and Seth MacFarlane which is just to name a few. This movie is a series of short films that Charlie (Dennis Quaid) is pitching to a producer (Greg Kinnear) in hopes of scoring funding for one of his crude, nonsense, idiotic movie plots. The only funny parts in this film were in the trailer, so if you want to see it save yourself an hour and a half and just watch the two minute trailer. I wish someone could please explain to me how this movie received funding! What a waste of talent and money. DO NOT SEE THIS!

My overall rating: Can I put a negative score? Hmmm, I'll settle for  3/100

Sunday, August 4, 2013

21 and Over

This movie for me was hilarious! Sort of a 21 year old version of The Hangover but not quite as funny. This movie is definitely worth grabbing a beer and watching with a friend. I loved Miles Teller in "Footloose" as the country terrible dancer he was and in this film he's the funniest friend around. Miles can really act and I am excited to see him in more films as well. This movie follows three young men who hit the town to celebrate their buddy's 21st birthday which unfortunately is the night before his big medical school interview. Oh to be 21 again, LoL! This movie has more of a story line than just three friends hitting the bars and getting shit faced and I think that was another reason I enjoyed it so much. Check this one out for sure its funny and sincere at the same time. Enjoy Enjoy!

My Overall Rating:    75/100

Love and Honor

Anything from the 70's grabs my attention so it was an easy pick for me to rent Love and Honor...plus after Liam Hemsworths "Hunger Games" performance I love him. This movie was alright..not awful but not great. It takes place during the Vietnam War and is about a soldier who becomes AWOL after he tries to rekindle love with his ex girlfriend. The beauty in the film to me was experiencing this era on screen. We never know the impact that the war has on individuals from different walks of life and I think this film did a good job of showing that. And who doesn't love a great hippie! I know I do! HAHA, but rent it...its worth a week day rental. Plus Liam Hemsworth as a soldier....yummy!

My Overall rating:  71/100

Evil Dead

I am not big on scary movies anymore except the classics like Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Children of the corn. But Evil Dead did a great job of scaring the hell out of me. Its a typical 5 young adults go to a cabin and one survives thriller but the concept isn't low grade and played out like most thrillers of our time. This is a genuine scary movie. I jumped, screamed, and checked in the closet before hitting the bed that night. This movie takes a new twist on the dead revisiting and haunting us...its much more brutal. I haven't seen Jane Levy act in anything except for "Fun Size" (I'll get to that terrible review later) before this film and I have to brag on her. She without a doubt made the movie, whether she was having withdrawals, depressed about her life, or being possessed she played out each scene to its fullest. I am eager to see where her acting career will take her. If you like scary flicks check it out. I don't think you'll be too disappointed. I may try and see "The Conjuring" I read up on plenty of reviews that state its the best scary movie since the classics...so I sorta feel the need to check it out and if so I'll update asap! Happy movie night!

My Overall Rating:       71/100

Vehicle 19

I find it very difficult to turn down any movie staring Paul Walker he's been a crush of mine since "She's All That " lol. This movie was mediocre as most of Pauls films are expect for the Fast and Furious films. This movie was interesting, it follows a young man who ends up receiving the wrong rental car...no big deal right? WRONG! He ends up solving a terrible crime with the help of Naima McLean who was terrific but she isn't well known at all. This movie has a good amount of action but for me the story line wasn't thick enough and didn't carry my interest very well. It's worth picking up in the Red box if you've seen everything else like myself...but if you're well behind on the hits leave it in there.

My Overall Rating:    69/100

World War Z

So I am completely and oddly excited about any movie that involves zombies but rarely do I ever see one that I'm impressed with...but that's not the case with World War Z. Brad Pitt gives an amazing performance as a family man/retired UN badass, his character was solid and easy to connect with. You will jump more than once in this film and if you're anything like my Mom you may have your eyes closed most the time, ha! But not me, I was stunned at the awesome visual effects and picture perfect graphics. Oh and might I add these aint your typical snail speed walking zombies, these suckers could keep up with lions if they wanted. These type of movies with truly get you thinking about possible future zombie existence. No that totally doesn't mean I'm packing up an RV with ammo and supplies but like I said it will get you thinking. My advice is to check this movie out but if you aren't into zombies it probably won't be a great match for you.

My overall rating: 80/100