Saturday, November 9, 2013

White House Down

Okay, Okay, Okay... let me start by saying that as a female of course I am a fan of Channing Tatum and his lavish acting in Magic Mike...but as far as a great action movie star I was eerie of his capabilities, but bravo to Tatum he did a great job in this film. White House Down is a action movie about the compromise of the White House by ex military invaders. No, Jamie Foxx is not the most realistic president figure but he does add a fair amount of comedy to the film. I was very impressed by the acting of young Joey King, she plays Tatum's daughter an admirable character who exposes the invaders and risks her life for her country and her father. I would recommend that it is worth watching but not until you have seen a fair amount of better films that are out there waiting to be viewed right now.

My Overall Rating:   71/100

Monsters University

EXCELLENT MOVIE! Yes, I am already a Disney addict but I didn't have high hopes for this film. It takes a lot to impress me when movies have prequels or sequels as the story lines typically lose their appeal. But not Monsters University! The characters are just as lovable as the first film and the new characters introduced such as Art the furry purple arch shaped hippie character are equally adorable. The quality of work produced in these films never ceases to amaze me as they steadily look more life like each and every time. Pixar always manages to produce wonderful heartfelt story lines and Monsters U inspires us to always achieve our dreams, having strong friendships, and the power of determination. If I were a parent these are the types of films I would feel proud for my children to view as I know they would be learning great qualities while being amused by brilliant characters. If you haven't seen this film it is a must see!

My Overall Rating: 91/100

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Prozac Nation

How did I not know about this movie? Scrolling through Netflix I saw this film and the title caught my eye not to mention is has some great leading ladies including Christina Ricci and Jessica Lange, that's just to name a few. BRAVO to this film it nailed it on the head for me...moved me! The narration in this film is outstanding. Christina Ricci's character Elizabeth suffers from depression and the story takes you on a roller coaster of the grim depths that Elizabeth falls and soars back up to the climax of her happiness. My heart strings were pulled in so many different directions in this film I felt like I actually knew Elizabeth. As someone suffering from depression you never bother to think that anyone else can possibly understand what you are dealing with or where your thoughts lead you. But what an immense joy of clarity that someone actually gets it. I am pleading that if you are trying to understand someone with depression, if you suffer from depression, or if you want to just expand your knowledge sit down and spend an hour and a half with this talented cast and open your mind. I was brought to tears of joy and sadness at the amazing way Ricci breathed life into Elizabeth, Ricci never has gained enough credit she is one bad ass actress. This was a first time viewing for me but it won't be my last.

My Overall Rating:  92/100

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Jack Reacher

Tom Cruise still has it ladies and gentlemen, that romantic badass swag... he still has it! When I saw the trailer for Jack Reacher I didn't feel excited to see the film and I really didn't think anything of it. But after watching the film it was really good, of course not Cruise's finest but a good film. This film is about Jack Reacher (Cruise) trying to help solve the murder of 5 civilians after a former military sniper is accused of the crime. I didn't like the fact that you find out in the beginning who the killer is and wait the whole film for the others to realize it, one of those yelling at the character type films. But Reacher of course figures it out and kicks ass along the way. Let me also focus in on Helen (Rosamund Pike) Jack's semi love interest in this film. I am telling you people if I had to continue to look at her permanent raised eyebrow stunned look the whole time I would have turned it off, yes it annoyed me that much and hope I didn't point this out and ruin it for others. The fights scenes are awesome, there is a descent plot, and Tom Cruise is the leading role...of course it's worth watching.

My Overall rating: 70/100

Silver Linings Playbook

" You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest, and if you do, if you stay positive you have a shot at a Silver Lining."

This will be an extremely long review for me. I have never, never connected with a movie so much. I went and saw this film with my mom in the theater (best movie partner, we always see great films together) and we laughed and cried and I kept quite after the movie, still taking it all in. Finally there is a movie that shows the tragic beauty in mental illness. I am never ashamed to say that I suffer from a mental illness, chronic depression and I know this may be intimidating to some but you have to have a strong character to carry through life with this illness. The rant at the dinner table when Pat (Bradley Cooper) and Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence) meet for the first time and start discussing all the medications they have been on, totally relatable for me. Jennifer Lawrence spoke out that she hoped this movie would make mental illness more understandable and for me that's what it has done. Shortly after Pat returns home after being in a psychiatric hospital he begins reading Ernest Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms". After finishing the novel and being disappointed in the ending he literally throws it out a glass window and says "Stupid Fucking Book!" To explain his actions he tells his parents " the world is hard enough as it is guys, its fucking hard enough, can't somebody say hey lets be positive. Lets have a good ending to the story." He refuses to apologize for his actions due to it being Hemingway's fault. Can anyone understand that depression is never being able to see past the present. I love these characters for this, they are so raw. I have felt every emotion that they act out, but even if you haven't its still a gripping movie. No wonder Jennifer Lawrence won a Oscar for her performance in this film she is so vocal and real and maybe she is rude but oh to have the confidence to say however you feel no matter what, I'd give anything to be that real. But equally so Bradley Cooper is Epic in this film, he's so clueless that he can never see reality or what is right in front of him. I have a new respect for both Cooper and Lawrence due to this film because it is hard to act out the complicated disorderly characters in this film. The dance scene that Pat and Tiffany work so hard on throughout the film and strive to win a trophy for, its sincere and hilarious but to them it means more than just a trophy. Besides Dirty Dancing, yes Dirty Dancing folks...this is my favorite movie of all time. There isn't a change I would make and I could never do this movie justice in a review but I tried. Please watch this movie and dive in open minded.

My Overall Rating: This may be my one and only but  100/100

The Impossible

Every movie moves everyone differently but this film should be sure to move all. After moving into my first solo apartment I snuggled into bed with my mom (hold on, she helped me move lol) and we watched this movie on my laptop. It didn't take a movie screen, Blu-ray, or huge LCD screen to display the incredible scenes in this did that all on its own. This film is based in Thailand during and after the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. News coverage and articles can't evoke enough how terrible this event was but I feel that The Impossible does a great job of putting us there through film. Watching families being torn apart some to never find each other again and some through the great journey finding each other is remarkable. Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor are remarkable in this film but young actor Tom Holland was beyond words. The strength he demonstrates as he takes care of his mother and tries to locate his family, I've never seen a more outstanding role for a child as this. I was literally moved by this film and surely I won't be the only one. RENT THIS, RENT THIS, RENT THIS!!!! I'd like to hear from others that have seen this film. Post below.

My overall rating: 89/100

Sex and the City (The Movie)

Who wouldn't want to have Samantha, Charlotte, Miranda, and Carrie as their best friends? I know I would, even though mine are just as great. These women have been in my life for years and I love each and every one of them for their unique qualities. This movie makes my heart ache, makes me laugh, makes me cry, and makes me believe in ever lasting matter what the circumstances. This movie has never received great reviews and I can't understand why. Sure if you aren't a Sex and the city fan then you just won't get it, but if you are its impeccable. No one in the world could play Carrie Bradshaw like Sarah Jessica Parker. My heart literally breaks when she can't leave her bed due to her sadness of Big (Chris Noth) leaving her minutes before their wedding. If you haven't been left breathless by heartache than I admire you, nothing can prepare you for it, nothing can guide you through it except for taking each dark day as it comes and holding on for dear life. You could say I am familiar with this feeling. Carrie asks the question "Will I ever laugh again?" because we can never see past the present pain, but she does laugh again. There is so much hope in this movie for me, it displays all sorts of different relationships. I have build a bond through these ladies from the tv show so I took a lot from this film that many wouldn't understand from viewing it and not seeing anything else. So if you aren't a lover of Sex and the City as a series then don't try and watch the movie and definitely don't put judgment on it.

My overall rating: 90/100