Wednesday, July 17, 2013


For goodness sake, whatever you do...DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE!!! The trailer of this film also caught my eye as I love a good thriller and also Mia Wasikowska, but this is just disturbing. A young girls father passes away and it seems as though the strayed uncle that returns to town is plotting a crazy killing spree...which he is but what is disturbing is that India (the young girl played by Mia) is sexually aroused by the acts of violence her uncle commits. She masturbates in the shower recalling the visions of her uncle breaking a boy's neck with a belt. Disturbing!! I didn't know how to take this film or the message that it sent. I would love to hear comments from others on the benefit of watching this movie again because I just don't understand it I guess.

My overall rating:  16/100

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