Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Cloud Atlas

Okay this has also been another long awaited film I have by dying to see...but it is INCREDIBLE. Now let me review to not confuse some of you because this movie is not for everyone. Cloud Atlas is close to three hours long, for me I love long movies because it entraps me long enough to really attach me to the characters and plot but for some people including my best friend they would rather clean their entire house than devote that much time to a film, ha. The film follows the lives of several different characters throughout different lifetimes. Halle Berry, Tom Hanks, and Jim Sturgess blew my mind in this film, they transcended into so many different characters. It was interesting to me to understand the underlying message of the film as everything came together in the very end, for me it meant that love can travel through different souls and still find the same hearts in the past, present, and future. It also shows that the soul can be transformed in different lives, we may be an evil killer in one life and a hero of sorts in the next. I certainly believe in souls living on through others after we pass so for me this movie was extraordinary but like I said it is not for everyone. If you can follow multiple stories and love Tom rent rent this movie!

My overall rating: 88/100

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