Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Identity Thief

Finally a decent movie! I've been on a real streak of bad films but this one was a hoot. Melissa McCarthy is hilarious, her character is an obsessed con artist that steals identities. After stealing Jason Bateman's identity he takes off to high jack Diana (McCarthy's character) because she looks harmless enough...boy is he in for a hell of a ride. From McCarthy's rodeo sex scene, to her constant f-bombs, and her all around appearance she totally made the movie for me. I recommend this movie for a great laugh and good stress reliever. Cozy up with a cold beer or glass of wine and enjoy laughing at the crazed chaos this movie has to offer.

My overall rating:   79/100

The Paperboy

What are the chances that a movie starring Zac Efron, Matthew McConaughey, Nicole Kidman, and John Cusack could be awful? Well for The Paperboy its a 100% chance of thunderstorms people! I don't know why my luck has been eerie on my last few movie nights but hopefully I'll change that with tonight's rentals. This southern flick was interesting and the characters were believable but I was so shamed with the bizarre sex scenes, brutal violence, and rushed ending. Zac Efron is a young man crazed in love with Nicole Kidman which she embraces all to late. Matthew McConaughey plays a masked homosexual that is revealed in a awful scene and John Cusack, well he is the real psycho of the film sex starved and off his rocker. I wasn't a fan but that is not to say that others won't be, but it wasn't a movie that moved me.



My overall rating:  37/100


For goodness sake, whatever you do...DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE!!! The trailer of this film also caught my eye as I love a good thriller and also Mia Wasikowska, but this is just disturbing. A young girls father passes away and it seems as though the strayed uncle that returns to town is plotting a crazy killing spree...which he is but what is disturbing is that India (the young girl played by Mia) is sexually aroused by the acts of violence her uncle commits. She masturbates in the shower recalling the visions of her uncle breaking a boy's neck with a belt. Disturbing!! I didn't know how to take this film or the message that it sent. I would love to hear comments from others on the benefit of watching this movie again because I just don't understand it I guess.

My overall rating:  16/100

Cloud Atlas

Okay this has also been another long awaited film I have by dying to see...but it is INCREDIBLE. Now let me review to not confuse some of you because this movie is not for everyone. Cloud Atlas is close to three hours long, for me I love long movies because it entraps me long enough to really attach me to the characters and plot but for some people including my best friend they would rather clean their entire house than devote that much time to a film, ha. The film follows the lives of several different characters throughout different lifetimes. Halle Berry, Tom Hanks, and Jim Sturgess blew my mind in this film, they transcended into so many different characters. It was interesting to me to understand the underlying message of the film as everything came together in the very end, for me it meant that love can travel through different souls and still find the same hearts in the past, present, and future. It also shows that the soul can be transformed in different lives, we may be an evil killer in one life and a hero of sorts in the next. I certainly believe in souls living on through others after we pass so for me this movie was extraordinary but like I said it is not for everyone. If you can follow multiple stories and love Tom rent rent this movie!

My overall rating: 88/100

Tyler Perry's Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor

Oh me oh my where to begin, I could not wait for this movie to come out...  squired in my seat watching the trailer for the film at the theater but sadly had to wait for the movie to come out on DVD...but I realized later that it wasn't a bad thing at all. The horror of wasting ten dollars to see this in the movie theater would have ate me up! Let me start by saying the performances were outstanding. I love Robbie Jones, he's so charming but yet you can love him and hate him at the same time. You will fall in love with Robbie's character Harley (hot shot that seems to be looking for love) just as much as Jurnee Smollett-Bell who plays Judith does. This movie had so much potential and the first hour draws you in and holds you steady in an affair that almost seems justifiable to the way Judith has been ignored in her own marriage. But the movie takes a deep plunge down to you know where when Judith chooses a life of drugs, sex, and luxury over a lasting love. This movie like I said had the greatest potential but the last fifteen minutes really ruined it for me. It was if they lost funding to complete the production of the film because its another all to common mishap where the movie just ends. You don't know what happen to certain characters and it leaves you feeling unsettled. If you are craving Tyler Perry then just stick to Diary of a Mad Black Woman!

My overall rating:     52/100

A Brief Overview...

Have you ever seen a movie that just trapped you? Made you feel completely engulfed? That for a mere two hours you actually got to be in a world that is not your own? It is an incredible escape to watch a movie that actually means something ...especially now when any cheap production, poor dialogue, meaningless actor film can be viewed on Netflix or picked up on the way home from any Redbox. But why waste the precious time we all have so little of on a movie that doesn't do our lives any justice?! That's where I come in. I will be reviewing all types of movies, the new and the old, the classic and the rare, the outstanding and the pitiful, and giving you my overall review and rating. So let me waste time on the ones that well...waste time and present to you the movies that are what they should be...the movies that moves us.